4 Virtues for Mental Peace
One of the philosophies that we learn from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the 4 virtues. The teaching is that we can find mental peace and serenity through these four practices:
Yoga Sutras 1:33
The mind becomes clear and serene when the qualities of the heart are cultivated:
1. Maitri: Friendliness toward the joyful
2. Karuna: Compassion toward the suffering
3. Mudita: Joyfulness towards the virtuous
4. Upeksha: Indifference towards the non-virtuous
Maitri – Friendliness
- Maitri, friendliness towards the joyful.
- Sanskrit: Maitri
- English: Friendliness, friendship, lovingkindness
- Pronunciation: MAY-tree
- Practice: Extending unconditional friendliness towards yourself and others
Karuna – Compassion
- Karuna, compassion towards those who are suffering.
- Sanskrit: Karuna
- English: Compassion
- Pronunciation: Ka-ru-NA
- Practice: the desire for all beings, including yourself, to be free from suffering
Mudita – Joyfulness
- Mudita, joyfulness towards the virtuous.
- Sanskrit: Mudita
- English: Joyfulness, happiness
- Pronunciation: Moo-dita
- Practice: the pleasure of finding joy in the happiness and success of others.
Upeksha – Equanimity
- Upeksha, indifference towards the less-than-virtuous.
- Sanskrit: Upeksha
- English: indifference, equanimity, imperturbability
- Pronunciation: Oo-Pay-k-shA
- Practice: practicing imperturbability even in challenging circumstances.