bus stop method inclusive yoga cueing and teaching strategies

Bus Stop Method: Inclusive, Accessible Yoga Teaching Strategies

This week we talk about the 'bus stop' cueing method, an inclusive, accessible yoga teaching strategy. The Bus Stop method is a teaching strategy that is commonly used in the accessible yoga community, but I think it's useful for all yoga classes. It’s particularly useful in those all-levels drop-..read more
yoga injuries rates risks and reduction strategies

Yoga Injuries

Rates, Risks, and Reduction Strategies for Yoga Teachers

In this week's Group Coaching discussion we talk about yoga injuries. If you prefer to read, or want to check out some particular notes or resources, scroll down to the discussion notes.  Or, watch the video below: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ1PqDGqa8w[/embedyt] ..read more
how to ask for feedback in yoga class

How to Ask for Feedback in Yoga Classes

7 Strategies to overcome your fear, ask for feedback in yoga classes, and create more inclusive, student-centered yoga classes

I got a great question the other day from a teacher who was experimenting with adding some new elements into her yoga classes. She was concerned about how this was landing with her students and..read more

Making Yoga More Inclusive

5 Strategies for Yoga Teachers to Make Yoga A Welcoming, Inclusive Space for All

1. Create a Welcoming Environment:

Foster a sense of inclusivity and belonging by creating a welcoming and non-judgmental space. Emphasize acceptance, respect, and support for all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or sk..read more

Understanding Common Contraindications in Yoga

Contraindications, Health Considerations, and Guidelines for Teaching Yoga

with senior trainer Heather Agnew, ERYT-500 Welcome to our latest discussion where we explore common contraindications in yoga. Join us as we explore the nuances of contraindications in yoga, foc..read more
Relaxation props for hands

Relaxation Props for Hands: Soothe Tension and Relax Your Hard-Working Hands

-with Senior Yoga Teacher Heather Agnew [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8CnpkOEvtE[/embedyt] The other day I did a video about identifying what distracts you in your meditation practice, and what props or tools might help reduce those dist..read more
What bugs me about yoga? The lack of inclusion and accessibility

What bugs me about yoga? The lack of inclusion and accessibility.

What's exciting about the future of yoga? Inclusion and Accessibility!

  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-2ONglaNFM[/embedyt]   There are things that up until recently really bugged me about yoga. Being a person with chronic back pain and almost 30 years of yog..read more
should I ask about injuries before a yoga class

Yoga Coaching Sessions: Should I Ask About Injuries Before a Yoga Class?

Question: Should I ask students about injuries and conditions at the start of class or on sign up forms? I've always asked at the start of class (since I am not involved in the sign-up process currently) and then provide modification suggestions before and during class or confirm they are able to..read more
self care strategies for yoga teachers

Self Care for Yoga Teachers

How self-knowledge leads to self-care

with Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, lead trainer As yoga teachers we commit a lot of time and energy to guiding and supporting others in their practice, so it's important for us to prioritize our own self care to maintain our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In today’s discussion ..read more
building confidence as a yoga teacher

Building Confidence as a Yoga Teacher: Embrace Your Authentic Self and Empower Your Students

by Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, Senior Yoga Educator Welcome to this week's yoga coaching discussion on building confidence as a yoga teacher! Whether you're just starting your teaching journey or have a few classes under your belt, this video is packed with insights, strategie..read more
How to navigate yoga student complaints and expectations

How to Navigate Yoga Student Complaints and Expectations: A Guide for Yoga Instructors

by Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, Senior Yoga Educator We might not want to think about receiving complaints or negative feedback as yoga teachers, when we pour our hearts into our classes, but the reality is that we will sometimes have to field feedback from our students. I hope yo..read more
how to film and share yoga teaching videos

How to Film and Submit Yoga Teaching Practice Videos for Assessment and Students

By Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, senior yoga educator


Whether you're preparing for a yoga teaching assessment or sharing instructional videos with your students, the way you film and submit your content can greatly affect the experience for both you and your audience. I..read more