the problem with health claims in yoga

The problem with health claims in yoga

A discussion of biomedical miracle claims, ethics, safety, and inclusion in yoga.

Welcome to today’s discussion on the problem with health claims in yoga. Have you ever heard someone say that a specific yoga pose could cure an ailment or that practicing yoga itself has miraculous, evidence-defying benefits? more
questioning yoga ancient traditions and modern innovations in yoga

Questioning Yoga: Bridging Ancient Traditions and Modern Innovations

Today I share a short video essay exploring my journey in beginning to question yoga and the intersection between ancient yoga traditions and modern innovations.  I share a bit of my own personal journey, from my early days in Sivananda and Ashtanga yoga to my evolution as a teacher and lifelong more
8 tips for returning to fitness and yoga

8 Tips for Returning to Fitness and Yoga

I’ve mentioned in a few videos recently that I’ve had a tough stretch for a while on the personal and health front and my movement and yoga practices have been steadily declining. In fact, for the past few months, it’s been almost nonexistent. I’m returning to movement now and, honestly, it’s a challenge. But I’ more
finding ease in meditation 5 tips for beginning a meditation practice

Finding Ease in Meditation: 5 Tips for Beginning a Meditation Practice

One of the most common responses I get when I speak about meditation and relaxation practices is ‘I tried meditation, it was too hard!’ I get it, meditation is a challenge. It requires learning, patience, and regular practice. But often that’s not the challenge that keeps people from more
just keep moving

Just Keep Moving

Creating a Life of Sustainable and Joyful Movement

by Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, lead trainer We are inundated with endless theories and opinions on our movement habits, including yoga —when to do it, how often, how long, what style - all the conflicting ideas can be paralyzing. When we are more
finding balance in an unbalanced world yoga and wellness culture

Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World

Exploring the meaning of 'balance' in yoga and wellness culture

What does 'balance' mean? Yoga and wellness culture speak a lot about balance, but what does that mean? What does that look like in our culture, in our day-to-day lives, in our relationships and communities, and how does this influence our growth and more
how to ask for feedback in yoga class

How to Ask for Feedback in Yoga Classes

7 Strategies to overcome your fear, ask for feedback in yoga classes, and create more inclusive, student-centered yoga classes

I got a great question the other day from a teacher who was experimenting with adding some new elements into her yoga classes. She was concerned about how this was landing with her students more
Yoga Income: A Comprehensive Guide for Yoga Teachers

Yoga Income Guide for Yoga Teachers

A Comprehensive Guide Exploring Income, Employment Types, and Fees for Service for Yoga Teachers

by Heather Agnew, senior trainer, ERYT-500 In this discussion we will explore income opportunities for yoga teachers and look at the different employment types and fee structures you can more
easing into 2024

Easing into 2024

New Year, New Directions In Yoga

Well, yogis, we’ve had another spin around the sun, and together we enter a new year with (hope, aspirations, trepidation, curiosity?) I have to admit, this past year has been a challenge.  Not only have there been a lot of global challenges, but many personal ones too.  This year I’ve had a lot of more
winter solstice, a time of contemplation and appreciation

Winter Solstice

A time of contemplation and appreciation.

As we embrace the winter solstice those of us in the northern hemisphere are transitioning into a period of repose. Traditionally marked by learning, storytelling, and reflection, the lengthening nights and colder temperatures gently nudge us towards the warmth of indoor spaces. Flowing with this more
holiday study success strategies tips for yoga teachers in training

Holiday Study Success Strategies - Tips for Yoga Teachers in Training

A guide to organizing your yoga teacher training study schedule and achieving coursework goals

by Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, senior yoga trainer As we approach the holidays, those engaged in their yoga teacher training studies might have aims to really dig into their coursework over more
the business of bliss: lessons learned from a yoga studio owner

The Business of Bliss: Lessons Learned from a Yoga Studio Owner

Interview with Eli Haski of Canberra Yoga Space

  Join us in this insightful conversation with Eli Haski to talk about the business of bliss and all the lessons she has learned as a yoga studio owner!   [embedyt][/embedyt] more