Just Keep Moving

Creating a Life of Sustainable and Joyful Movement

by Heather Agnew, ERYT-500, lead trainer

We are inundated with endless theories and opinions on our movement habits, including yoga —when to do it, how often, how long, what style – all the conflicting ideas can be paralyzing.

When we are bombarded with contradictory messages it can leave us feeling  overwhelmed and questioning if we’re doing it ‘right.’ Which, ironically, might lead to us to engage less in movement! But amidst this sea of information, there’s one timeless principle that remains steadfast: just keep moving.

Join us for this week’s series as we take a more simplified approach to movement, and remember the joy that comes from the simple act of keeping our bodies in motion.

Let’s begin with a key concept that clears some of the messaging clutter:

When it comes to movement there is one principle you can rely one – some is better than none.

just keep moving movement snacks

1) Some is better than none

Rather than wait for a perfect opportunity to arise to do a long yoga practice, a full-body strength workout, or a long walk, take the moments that come and use them for ‘movement snacks’.

Doing a little is better than doing none. And a little bit done often adds up! Research shows that bite-sized bouts of movement throughout your day can be just as effective as longer workouts when it comes to improving your health.

Side effects of frequent movements snacks include better sleep, improved focus, better mood and nervous system regulation, and of course improved fitness.

What would a movement snack look like? A brisk walk around the block, a few Sun Salutations, or a few squats and countertop pushups while you wait for the kettle to boil at elevenses.

If you can make space to do longer workouts or movement sessions, awesome! But don’t wait for perfect and end up with none, when you can, just do some.

joyful movement

2) Joyful Movement

What movement will you do most often? The one you enjoy!

The most effective strategy to bring more movement into your life is to choose movements that you enjoy, those are the movements that you are most likely to be consistent in – whether that’s yoga, walking, dancing, lifting, swimming – choose movements you enjoy, and enjoy them more often.

just keep moving consistency is key

3) Consistency is Key

Prioritize consistency over perfection.

Even a short yoga practice, a walk around the block, or a few moments mindful stretching can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

Make room in your life for movement, plan ahead, set a schedule, or get a movement buddy to help you both stay consistent (and keep it fun!)

just keep moving start where you are

4) Start Where You Are

Whether you’re an experienced yogi  or fitness participant, or you are just beginning your journey, it’s important to meet yourself where you are and honor your current abilities.

Every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to your progress and growth.

just keep moving adapt to your needs

5) Adapt to Your Needs

Life can be busy and unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you have to abandon your practice altogether.

Find ways to adapt and integrate mindful movement into your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time.

embrace imperfection

6) Embrace Imperfection:

Not the perfect space, or the perfect time, or the perfect practice, who cares? So you have to squeeze between the coffee table and the couch, or do pushups in your PJs, or let the dog help you with your yoga poses, let your movement practice be perfectly imperfect!

Let go of the pressure to have a perfect practice or achieve certain outcomes.

Yoga and mindful movement are about the journey, not the destination.

Embrace the process and allow yourself to be perfectly imperfect along the way.

just keep moving celebrate your efforts

7) Celebrate Your Efforts

Every moment you dedicate to your movement practice is a win.

You might keep a movement journal, use an app that gives you high fives, or find any strategy that helps you stay motivated, encouraged, and celebrated.

You are your own best cheerleader, so honor your efforts, no matter how small, and acknowledge the positive impact they have on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

how do you keep moving

How Do You Keep Moving?

Different strategies work for different people, or at different times of our life.

What strategies do you use to keep up your mindful movement, yoga, or meditation practice?

Comment below or join us on Facebook or Instagram to keep learning together!

Remember, the most important thing is to show up for yourself and prioritize your health, fitness, and self-care, even in the midst of life’s challenges.

Keep flowing, keep breathing, keep lifting, keep walking, keep stretching, keep dancing…and keep finding joyful, sustainable, mindful ways to move!

Want to hear more about movement, self-care, and yoga? Check out our YouTube channel for free yoga videos, podcasts, yoga coaching clips and more.

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