Thank you for 16 years of yoga teacher training.

This month I’m celebrating 16 years since my first class of yoga teachers celebrated their graduation in Moruya, NSW, Australia.

I am so grateful to those brave yogis, and all the yoga teachers who have joined me over the past 16 years to practice, study, and teach yoga.

Since my first course I’ve had the opportunity to teach programs all around Australia, Canada, and for the last two years, taking the course online.  I’ve been able to share over 50 yoga teacher training programs with students of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and interests.

I’m so proud of all the graduates have gone on to create their own teaching practices, branching out into their own specialties, and who have been so generous to bring back what they’ve learned to share with new groups of teachers in training.

It’s been a wonderful adventure, and I look forward to many more years of learning, sharing, and evolving together.

Thank you,


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