8 Tips for Returning to Fitness and Yoga

I’ve mentioned in a few videos recently that I’ve had a tough stretch for a while on the personal and health front and my movement and yoga practices have been steadily declining. In fact, for the past few months, it’s been almost nonexistent.

I’m returning to movement now and, honestly, it’s a challenge. But I’m lucky that after almost 3 decades in the movement and coaching field I’ve got lots of tools and strategies that will help me to return to fitness.

I’ve put together a few movement and mindset tips that are helping me get back into the groove, and I hope if you, too, are returning or getting ready to return to movement yourself after a period of illness, injury, holidays etc. you find some of these strategies useful.

1. Save your energy

Most importantly to me is this: judging or criticizing yourself for falling out of routine wastes your energy and can really impact your motivation. And, if you are like me, you don’t have energy to waste. So, set judgments and regrets aside as best you can. Start where you are at and save your energy for moving your body!

returning to fitness save your energy

2. Take a step back:

Remember that you aren’t returning with the same fitness that you had. You might not be able to jump back into the same routine. Reduce the time, intensity, and frequency of workouts as you get started. Be patient with yourself as you return to movement.

returning to fitness take a step back

3. Make it enjoyable:

Choose movement practices you like. Have fun and keep it light. If it hurts, you won’t want to do it. Put on some inspiring music and dance your way back into your movement groove.

returning to fitness make it enjoyable

4. Take advice and take care:

If you are returning from injury or illness, follow the guidance of your health team. Exercising too intensely too quickly could compromise your recovery.

returning to fitness take advice and take care

5. Pay attention:

Pay attention to your body, your breath, and your energy levels. Listen to the messages of your body and let that guide you. Learn to feel the difference between a good challenge and strain or stress.

returning to fitness pay attention

6. Take small bites:

Rather than too much too soon, do a little bit at a time.  Even a few minutes a day really adds up. Don’t take bites of exercise that you can’t digest quite yet. Think of taking smaller movement ‘snacks’, and then progressively build up to a bigger movement meal.

Returning to fitness take small bites of exercise

7. Embrace Today:

Be present with the body you have today rather than looking to the body of your past, even if you have goals to renew your fitness.  Embrace today’s body, energy, and ability, and let that motivate you.

returning to exercise embrace today

8. Be Your Own Coach:

Shaming yourself doesn’t work (this is evidence-based!)  Coach yourself like you would coach someone else in your situation – positive, friendly, encouraging, and patient.

returning to exercise be your own coach

I hope you found these tips useful, and if you have other tips that have worked for you when returning to fitness or yoga, we’d love to hear them!  Visit our socials at Facebook or Instagram to share your ideas and join the conversation.

If you love yoga and dream of sharing that passion with others, we’d love you to join us for yoga teacher training!  Become a confident, skillful, and inspiring yoga teacher with Yoga Trinity Training.

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