Powerful Pose Flow

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Powerful Pose Flow

Free Yoga Download

This 30-minute free yoga podcast is all about playing with Powerful pose in a Vinyasa Flow to bring some variation, novel movements, and add a few new challenges to balance, strength, and mobility.  Our first few poses will be all about exploring your Powerful Pose to find comfort, stability, and ease – and particularly getting curious about your stance and arm positions to find what is more easeful and useful for you.   Then, we add some novel movement to explore planes of movement, and add some challenges to balance, stability, and mobility.

Note: This flow is best suited to students familiar with Vinyasa Flow and Sun Salutations, so if you are new to this type of practice, check out the Sun Salutations flow in the Yoga Trinity shop to begin your explorations of the breath, movements, and variations of Sun Salutes.  And, as always, if you are just beginning your yoga practice check with your doctor about adding new movement into your fitness program, and please do listen to your body and work in a pain-free range of motion, with breath and easeful range of motion as your priority.

Want to learn how to teach Vinyasa Flow and earn CEC/CPD credits?  Check out the Vinyasa Flow Online Education program


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