Virtual Yoga Class Pack – Short Forms

$ 15.00

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Virtual Yoga 3-Class Pack

Three short-form video yoga classes

  1. 30-minute Energizing Hands-Free Flow – a dynamic practice without putting weight on hands, wrists and shoulders.
  2. 40-minute Legs Up the Wall – a restorative and relaxing practice using the wall for support.
  3. 40-minute Core Flow – a dynamic mat-based flow with strengthening for core muscles, includes a relaxation.

Download and save your Virtual Yoga class videos for practice wherever you are, or stream directly from your account.

Virtual Yoga classes are recorded live Zoom classes led by senior teacher Heather Agnew.

Classes are designed for yoga teachers, teacher trainees, and experienced practitioners wishing to learn more about the study of yoga and movement, pose versions, accessible options, and adaptations for all bodies.

All classes will offer options like regressions, progressions, props and tools for all levels.

Wear comfortable yoga attire. Have a few props handy like blocks, belts, and blankets.

Have your yoga mat and a few props if you are able – I’ll be demonstrating with blocks, blankets, and belts. You can improvise at home with cushions, blankets, a hand towel or scarf, a chair or stool.

Practice at an intensity, and with versions/variations that are right for your body today. Work in a zone where you are challenged but safe and comfortable.

Check with your medical/health provider prior to beginning any new movement practice, particularly if you have had a change in your health or new advice regarding movement safety/restrictions, or if you have any condition that could be made worse by a change in your movement practices.


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