Vinyasa Flow Chant Shanti Path

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Join us in the Vinyasa Flow Chant Shanti Path as we close our day of teacher training study.

Aum Tryambakam Yajamahe

Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam

Urvarukamiva Bandhanam

Mrityor Muksiya Maamritat

O Omniscient Divinity.  Just as the cucumber is freed from the stem, thus liberate us from the death of ignorance and grant us the knowledge of our immortal essence.

Aum…Asato Maa Sat Gamaya

Tamaso Maa Joyotir Gamaya

Mrytryor Maa Amritam Gamaya

Om…Lead us from unreal to Real, lead us from darkness to Light, lead us from fear of death to the nectar of immortality.

Saarvesham svasti bhavatu

Saarvesham shaantir bhavatu

Sarvesham purnam bhavatu

Saarvesham maangalam bhavatu

May all beings dwell in happiness

May all beings dwell in peace

May all beings attain oneness

May all beings attain auspiciousness

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free

Aum Shanti Shanti Shantii

May there be peace within us, may there be peace among us, may there be peace on earth, and throughout all creation.

Listen to the Teacher Student Chant


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