4 Virtues for Mental Peace

One of the philosophies that we learn from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the 4 virtues. The teaching is that we can find mental peace and serenity through these four practices:
Yoga Sutras 1:33
The mind becomes clear and serene when the qualities of the heart are cultivated: 1. Maitri: Friendliness toward the joyful 2. Karun..read more

I just have to get this off my chest. This is for any yoga teachers or teachers in training who are feeling like they aren’t good enough, or don’t know enough, or don’t have a ‘yoga body’ (whatever the heck that is), or aren’t spiritual enough, or won’t be as fluent with their cues, or can’t demonstrate the fancy asanas, or, in general, feel like an imposter...read more

It’s Got to Ebb If It’s Going to Flow

I heard this adage the other day, and it came on a day when I really needed it.  Being in lockdown for so long has been tough.  And for me it comes on the heels of a few really challenging years of injury, loss, and a big move across the world.  So, it should have been obvious to me that my creative energy would be in a bit..read more

I’m a person who likes to have a system for things.  I run my business with schedules and checklists, I plan years in advance, and operate the day-to-day and year-to-year with as much efficiency as I can.  I do the same in my domestic life; I like an organised house. I’m soothed by having ‘a place for everything and everything in its place’.  I like to count things; ..read more

Dear Yoga Teachers, You don't have to know everything.  Don't be afraid to say, 'I don't know'.  Teaching is a collaborative process.  You will continue to learn with every student you encounter.  That is the great adventure of teaching. When I was a new teacher, I felt such pressure to know everything about....everything! - Students would ask me about why their kne..read more

I'd like to talk about changes to the Yoga Trinity Code of Ethics for Yoga Teachers

I’ve been sharing yoga training programs for over a decade now, and there is never a moment where I feel like they are a finished product.  Programs are a constant work in progress, forever being refined and updated.  While I work hard to be sure that students are aware of these up..read more

Simple Sanskrit Audio Guide - Free Download

Sanskrit Audio Guide + PDF Glossary for Yoga Teachers If you are struggling to know the difference between your Utkata and Uttana, your Adho and Urdvha, and your Dharana and Dhyana, this quick Sanskrit Glossary and Audio Pronunciation Guide can help you learn, practice, and feel confident in using Sanskrit in your yoga cl..read more

An Invitation to Doubt Your Doubts About Being a Yoga Teacher

With two yoga teacher training programs coming up in the next few months, this week I’ve been fielding a few emails from teacher trainees who are dealing with some self-doubt. This is not uncommon, in fact the pre-course jitters are so common (to us all!) that I’ve written about this before (see Am I Re..read more

I’ve recently had a Canadian visitor for a few weeks, and we got up to lots of fun travelling, exploring, wine tasting, and learning some arts and crafts.  It was a great way to connect and have some fun while she was in town, especially because she is very creative; a natural artist who is studying art in school.  I really admire her creativity.  I’ve always been in awe..read more

I had a great question this week from a recent yoga teacher training graduate about sequencing for her new classes, and it got me to thinking about how we sequence our own home practice each day, week, month, and year.  What informs our decisions about what to practice, when to practice, and how often we should do the same practice or how often we should change it up?  Whethe..read more