I just have to get this off my chest. This is for any yoga teachers or teachers in training who are feeling like they aren’t good enough, or don’t know enough, or don’t have a ‘yoga body’ (whatever the heck that is), or aren’t spiritual enough, or won’t be as fluent with their cues, or can’t demonstrate the fancy asanas, or, in general, feel like an imposter...read more

Online Yoga Teacher Training Will Continue For Now

I'm so sorry to see all the outbreaks and lockdowns around Australia this week. I hope that you are all coping okay and that you and your loved ones are all safe and sound.  With this new round of outbreaks I'm reminded that we are not nearly 'back to normal' yet, so as I make plans for the next few yoga programs I h..read more

Boundaries: Tips for Maintaining Your Practice as a Teacher

  This week I had a great chat with a teacher in training, and she remarked that her yoga practice had changed in that now her mind is busy noticing cues, transitions, sequences, and other teaching skills when participating in a class, rather than just focussing on her own practice. I could really ..read more

What Do Beginning Yoga Students Need?


What do New Yoga Teachers Need to Remember About Teaching Beginner's Yoga ?

This has been a common discussion in my yoga teacher training programs for years now – what can the general public comfortably do in a yoga class?  Are they binding their toes in a seated forward fold?  Are they flowing into Upward Fa..read more

Update: Vinyasa Flow Teacher Training Adelaide and Canberra Jan/Feb 2021

Hello Friends, I am writing to let you know that myself and my course hosts have made the decision to shift our January and February 2021 face-to-face intensives to the Adapted Online training model. We’ve been monitoring all the available information from public health sources and travel..read more